- Most crash diets make you lose water weight.
- These eating plans will make you gain back your weight as soon as you finish the program.
- For long-term weight loss, maintain an active lifestyle and a healthy and balanced sustainable eating pattern.
While it’s possible to lose 10 pounds (4.5 kg) in a week, most experts don’t recommend it. These kinds of eating plans, called crash diets, can lead to weight gain after finishing the diet program.
The restrictive nature of these diets is also inappropriate for those who have or had eating disorders.
You’re mostly losing water weight with crash diets because burning 10 pounds (4.5 kg) of body fat in just one week is not safe. Rapid weight loss lowers your insulin levels and flushes out glycogen, the storage form of carbs, which holds about 3g of water per gram. Lower insulin levels also help your kidney get rid of excess sodium that usually retains water.
If you really want to try short-term weight loss, here are some steps to achieve it. However, this program is not for the long-term.
1. Eat a low-carb, high-protein diet.
Many research shows that eating fewer carbs can help lose weight and improve health. A short-term low-carb intake can also shed off water weight and bloating.
Eating plenty of protein can also help curb appetite while boosting metabolism. Cut back on starchy carbs and sugars for the week and eat low-carb vegetables, eggs, lean meats, and fish instead.
2. Eat whole foods.
Whole foods make you feel full, helping you cut back on calories without getting famished. Aim for whole, single-ingredient foods during the week, and avoid highly processed foods.
3. Restrict calorie intake.
A lower calorie intake is crucial for weight loss. If you eat fewer calories than you use for energy, you will lose fat.
To reduce your calorie intake:
- Count your calories
- Don’t snack
- Cut back on condiments and sauces
- Eat more veggies and avoid starchy carbs and added fats
- Choose low-fat, lean proteins
- Opt for water, zero-calorie drinks, tea or coffee, or replace meals with protein shakes
4. Lift weights and try high-intensity interval training.
Resistance training like weight lifting can help you lose weight as much as regular aerobic exercise. Exercise can help you reduce your carb stores and water weight and lead to weight loss.
According to research, doing HIIT or high-intensity interval training for 5–10 minutes yields the same weight loss results as five times that amount of regular exercise. Both HIIT and weight-lifting help you lose muscle carb stores and boost your metabolism and production of fat-burning hormones.
You can do HIIT three to four times a week after your regular workout regimen. Give your 100% effort when doing HIIT, making sure your sprints don’t exceed 30 seconds and resting for 60 seconds at most.
5. Burn calories with your daily activities.
According to studies, there’s a 1000 daily calorie difference in weight loss between a desk job and a manual job. Burn calories even without going to the gym by walking or biking to work, going for walks outside, taking the stairs, standing more, or cleaning the house.
6. Transition to intermittent fasting.
Intermittent fasting is also an effective way to lose fat because it limits your calorie intake.
There are different ways to do intermittent fasting, like a 16-hour fast with an 8-hour eating window or a 20-hour fast with a 4-hour eating window.
If you’re exercising while doing intermittent fasting, try to exercise during your eating window.
7. Reduce water retention.
To help you drop water weight and appear leaner and lighter:
- Take dandelion extract
- Drink coffee. According to studies, caffeine can help you burn more fat and lose excess water.
- Be aware of your intolerances that can cause bloating, which may include gluten or lactose.
Via Healthline