10 Ways to Keep Your Joints Healthy

  • The joints allow the body to do different types of smooth and precise movements.
  • Keeping joints healthy can prevent injuries and other diseases.
  • Doing some appropriate exercises, keeping the bones healthy and eating calcium and omega-3 fatty acid-rich foods are some ways to keep the joints healthy.

Joints help the body move, so it is important to keep them healthy. Here are some ways to keep your joints healthy and prevent injuries.

1. Keep Your Bones Strong

The joints are connections between bones, and for the joints to be healthy, the bones should also be healthy. Bones need calcium and vitamin D to be strong. Eating dairy products rich in calcium can provide the needed calcium requirement of the body. Green, leafy vegetables like broccoli and kale also have high calcium content.  

2. Eat More Fish

Foods rich in omega -3 fatty acids can also keep the joints healthy. Fatty cold-water fish like salmon and mackerel are also good for lowering inflammation and reducing pain and tenderness in rheumatoid arthritis patients.

3. Lose Some Weight

Too much weight can put a strain on the hips, knees and back. If you think you need to shed some pounds, ask for medical advice on how to do it.

4. Keep Moving

Staying in motion can prevent the joints from getting stiff. It is vital to take breaks, stand or walk after sitting for too long and change position now and then when you are reading, working or watching television.

5. Do Appropriate Exercises

Doing some exercises can help strengthen the muscles and provide stronger support to the joints. It is not recommended to stretch before an exercise or when the muscles are still cold. Instead, do some light warm-up activities like walking for 10 minutes to loosen up the joints, ligaments and tendons before exercising. Stretching daily for at least three times a week can increase flexibility which is good for the joints.

The best exercises for the joints are walking, bicycling, swimming and strength training. Exercises that help strengthen the core (abdominal, back and hip) like pilates and yoga can also be added to your routine. 

Refrain doing exercises that require repetitive movements. If your joints are too stiff, some exercises can get it back on the range. When exercising, avoid overdoing it as it may lead to muscle aches, damage and injuries.   

6. Maintain A Good Posture

Improving your posture can protect the joints from the neck to the knees. Standing and sitting up straight, walking, and swimming are some ways to improve your posture.  

7. Use Protective Gears

Protect your joints from getting injured by wearing pads when in-line skating or doing contact sports. When your joints are already aching, you can wear braces before playing golf or tennis.

8. Ease your Load

When carrying handbags, it is advisable to use your arms instead of your hands to allow the bigger muscles and joints to work and support the weight.

9. Take Supplements if Needed


There are a lot of supplements for joint pain relief such as glucosamine and SAM-e. Before trying one, ask for your doctor’s advice.

10. Treat Joint Pain and Injuries

If you experience joint pains, an ice pack can serve as the first remedy. It is best to see a doctor immediately for more serious joint injuries to prevent any additional damage. Joint injuries that are not treated can cause the breakdown of cartilage in the joints.

Via   WebMD